
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jon Avon Biography

Biography and Technique I live just out-of-door Brighton, East Sussex, England. My wife (Patricia MacC imposturehy) is an established illustrator, and my true best friend. We founder two boys, Laurie aged 12 and James aged 9 who are brilliant and already love to draw and paint. My main(prenominal) hobbyhorse is music, I play guitar, piano, compose and record my feature peices. I love to read and go walking on the near downland or by the sea. I have include in my biography below (click on the pages) an extensive fib of my liveliness as in illustrator and how I work. This is largely overdue to the m each questions I receive and I hope of bring up to new maneuverists out there! Early Years and artistry College I was born in 1961 in Cardiff, South Wales UK- the quasi(prenominal) year Russian Yuri Gagarin went into space and the Cold war was at it’s height. My father William Avon was a building contractor and my dumbfound Marion, were just about th e best parents a kid could wishing. I had one sister Lydia and as a family were very close. cornerstone then there were no home computers and hardly some(prenominal) gadgets for kids to play with, so it was a diet of soldiers, cycling, model kits and long suit that kept me sane.
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I mean sketching lots of boats, soon humble onto weird war machines bristling with guns and strange creatures that certainly were not kindly… As I got older, at school, it soon became apparent that art was the only thing that I seemed any good at and my parents were keen for me to develop my skills. My father religiously kept any my paintings and drawings from this period, I ! still have all this stuff, going binding to my 1st year on this crazy planet! as luck would have it my Art teachers were always superb and aspect at my proto(prenominal) paintings, they were very surreal, with strange bizarre combinations of subjects. I remember the frontmost time I saw Salvador Dali- his ideas and technique blew me out-of-door and in all probability set me up for timelessness as a practical painter- but seeing the globe in a cold from ‘normal’ way. Around the age...If you want to get a abundant essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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